A Framework for Managing Technical Debt – Alex Moldovan, TechLeadConf 2023

Manage technical debt proactively with Alex Moldovan's framework, which combines practices, inventory, and process to prioritize refactoring and minimize software development risks.

Key takeaways
  • Technical debt is a natural part of software development and should not be ignored.
  • Having a technical debt culture means discussing and prioritizing refactoring as part of the development process.
  • The framework for managing technical debt consists of three pillars: practices, inventory, and process.
  • Practices refer to the ways in which a team refactors code, such as removing duplicated code or improving code quality.
  • Inventory refers to the process of identifying and documenting technical debt, and tracking progress over time.
  • Process refers to the steps involved in refactoring code, including planning, executing, and reviewing changes.
  • Technical debt can be mitigated by having a clear plan for addressing it, and by prioritizing refactoring efforts.
  • A refactoring culture can be established by promoting transparency and communication about refactoring efforts.
  • Prioritizing refactoring efforts based on impact and risk can help to minimize the amount of technical debt.
  • Technical debt can be managed by having a clear process for dealing with it, and by prioritizing refactoring efforts.
  • The process of managing technical debt should be transparent and involve clear communication among team members.
  • Technical debt can be minimized by having a clear plan for addressing it, and by prioritizing refactoring efforts.
  • A refactoring culture can be established by promoting technical writing, code reviews, and continuous learning.
  • Technical debt can be addressed by having a clear process for dealing with it, and by prioritizing refactoring efforts.
  • Prioritizing refactoring efforts based on impact and risk can help to minimize the amount of technical debt.
  • Technical debt can be managed by having a clear process for dealing with it, and by prioritizing refactoring efforts.
  • The process of managing technical debt should be transparent and involve clear communication among team members.
  • Technical debt can be minimized by having a clear plan for addressing it, and by prioritizing refactoring efforts.
  • A refactoring culture can be established by promoting technical writer, code reviews, and continuous learning.
  • Continuous learning is essential in software development, and technical debt can be managed by promoting continuous learning.