How we killed DevOps by creating a dedicated DevOps team | Adam Nowak

Learn how a dedicated DevOps team initially hindered success, and discover the key takeaways for involving everyone in the organization, focusing on customer value, and measuring business outcomes in your DevOps journey.

Key takeaways
  • We created a dedicated DevOps team, which initially led to a decrease in morale and productivity among developers.
  • We realized that DevOps is a culture, not just a team, and that we needed to involve everyone in the organization.
  • We started to focus on continuous improvement and created a culture of experimentation and iteration.
  • We introduced metrics such as NPS and lead time to measure the success of our DevOps efforts.
  • We created a community of practice and encouraged collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members.
  • We realized that DevOps is not just about technology, but also about people and process.
  • We started to focus on delivering value to customers and stakeholders, rather than just meeting technical requirements.
  • We created a manifesto that outlined our values and principles for DevOps.
  • We started to measure the success of our DevOps efforts based on business outcomes, rather than just technical metrics.
  • We realized that DevOps is a journey, not a destination, and that we need to continue to iterate and improve over time.
  • We created a dashboard to track our progress and identify areas for improvement.
  • We started to focus on delivering value to customers and stakeholders, rather than just meeting technical requirements.
  • We created a culture of transparency and openness, where everyone is encouraged to share their ideas and feedback.
  • We started to measure the success of our DevOps efforts based on business outcomes, rather than just technical metrics.
  • We realized that DevOps is not just about technology, but also about people and process.
  • We started to focus on delivering value to customers and stakeholders, rather than just meeting technical requirements.
  • We created a community of practice and encouraged collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members.
  • We started to measure the success of our DevOps efforts based on business outcomes, rather than just technical metrics.
  • We realized that DevOps is a journey, not a destination, and that we need to continue to iterate and improve over time.