How Cloud-native Technologies are shaping Enterprise IT | Slava Koltovich

Cloud Native technologies are revolutionizing enterprise IT, with Kubernetes at the forefront, offering competitive advantage, faster delivery, and reliability.

Key takeaways
  • Cloud Native technologies are shaping the future of enterprise IT, with Kubernetes being one of the most widely adopted platforms.
  • 15% of enterprises are already using Cloud Native technology in production, and this number is expected to double next year.
  • Cloud Native is not just about Kubernetes, but also about a new approach to building and running applications.
  • The pace of open source innovation is crazy, with new technologies and tools emerging rapidly.
  • Cloud Native technologies are moving beyond just stateless applications, with stateful applications, databases, and storage also being reimagined.
  • The traditional software delivery methods and maintenance methods are no longer suitable for the rapid pace of Cloud Native development.
  • Cloud Native adoption is driven by the need for competitive advantage, and the desire to deliver software faster and more reliably than competitors.
  • The Cloud Native landscape has changed dramatically over the past few years, with many vendors switching to Kubernetes.
  • Cloud Native is important because it allows for the creation of competitive differentiators for businesses, and the ability to deliver software faster and more reliably than competitors.
  • The pace of Cloud Native development is accelerating, with new technologies and tools emerging rapidly.
  • Cloud Native is not just about technology, but also about cultural change and the need to rethink traditional approaches to software development and maintenance.
  • Cloud Native is here to stay, and enterprises that don’t adopt it will be left behind.
  • The biggest challenge with Cloud Native is the need to adopt a new approach to software development and maintenance, which can be daunting for many organizations.
  • The benefits of Cloud Native include faster and more reliable software delivery, competitive advantage, and the ability to adapt to changing business needs more quickly.
  • The biggest obstacles to adopting Cloud Native include the need for cultural change, the complexity of integrating new technologies, and the need for new skills and expertise.