Panel: Web3 for Social Good | Blockchain Futurist Conference 2023

Explore the intersection of blockchain and social good, discussing innovative solutions for education, financial inclusion, and community empowerment, and the importance of empathy, collaboration, and metrics-driven impact.

Key takeaways
  • Blockchain technology has the potential to bring about significant social change, particularly in marginalized communities.
  • Education is key to empowering individuals and communities, and blockchain can be used to create personalized learning platforms.
  • Cryptocurrency and NFTs can be used to create incentives for participating in online education and to demonstrate real-world impact.
  • Traditional banking systems are often hostile to marginalized communities, and blockchain-based alternatives can provide more accessible and equitable financial services.
  • Decentralized innovation funds can be used to empower marginalized communities and promote sustainable economic development.
  • On-chain voting systems can be used to give communities a say in how their resources are used.
  • AI, machine learning, and other technologies can be used to learn about marginalized communities and develop more effective solutions.
  • Web3 companies and accelerators can play a key role in promoting social good and empowering marginalized communities.
  • In order to have real-world impact, blockchain technology needs to be used in conjunction with other solutions, such as education and community building.
  • The industry needs to prioritize metrics that measure real-world impact and value creation, rather than just focusing on technology.
  • Blockchain can be used to promote financial inclusion and promote more effective food security and education programs.
  • Empathy and collaboration are essential for promoting social change.
  • Some successful examples of blockchain-based projects include microfinance, lending, and voting systems.