Marc Cluet – Managing DevOps Teams, staying alive

Discover the secrets to successfully managing DevOps teams, including the importance of people, communication, and governance, while embracing failure and continuous learning.

Key takeaways
  • DevOps is about people, not just tools: It’s not just about implementing DevOps practices, but about understanding the people involved and how they work together.
  • Measure and learn from failures: Don’t be discouraged by failure, but learn from it and move forward.
  • Celebrate success: Acknowledge and celebrate individual and team successes to boost morale and motivation.
  • Empower teams to make decisions: Give teams the autonomy to make their own decisions and take ownership of their work.
  • Communication is key: Encourage open communication and transparency within teams and with stakeholders.
  • Governance is important: Establish clear governance frameworks to ensure accountability and oversight.
  • Agile approaches work best: Agile methodologies are often the most effective way to achieve DevOps goals.
  • Champions are key: Identify and empower champions who can drive change and lead by example.
  • Don’t ignore culture: Culture is crucial to DevOps success, and ignoring it can lead to failure.
  • Post-mortem sessions are essential: Hold regular post-mortem sessions to analyze and learn from failures and near-misses.
  • Automation is important: Automation is crucial for efficiency, scalability, and productivity.
  • Transformation is a journey: Don’t try to transform an organization overnight, but instead focus on gradual, incremental change.
  • Fail fast and learn faster: Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn and improve, rather than trying to avoid it at all costs.
  • Share knowledge and expertise: Encourage sharing of knowledge and expertise within teams and with other teams.
  • Listen to your customers: Don’t forget to listen to your customers and understand their needs and pain points.
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of governance: Governance is crucial for ensuring accountability and oversight in a DevOps environment.