katzazi aka Eva Stöwe: Ich hab in der Blockchain-Szene gearbeitet - Let's talk about money!

Join katzazi aka Eva Stöwe as she shares her personal experiences working in the blockchain space, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking, creativity, and passion for a better future.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker shares personal experiences working in the blockchain space for 2 years.
  • She emphasizes the importance of thinking critically about money and the issues surrounding it.
  • The speaker emphasizes the difficulty of doing something in the blockchain space.
  • She shares a series of phrases, including “and she wanted to play a little bit of beer”, which seem to be unrelated to the topic of blockchain or money.
  • The speaker mentions that it’s important to practice and work on the future.
  • She shares a brief experience with the Shama Pisa project.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of considering different perspectives and creative ideas in the blockchain space.
  • She states that there are many creative ideas in the field.
  • The speaker shares her passion for the topic and encourages others to engage with it.
  • She suggests that the blockchain space is not just about blockchain technology, but also about working towards a better future.