Driving Culture Change through DevOps, and Vice Versa / Speakers: James Betteley & Sara Milne

Driving cultural change through DevOps and vice versa. Learn how data, incentives, behavior, collaboration, and feedback contribute to a successful DevOps culture, and discover practical approaches to measuring and embedding this culture.

Key takeaways
  • Data drives culture change: Data is a crucial driver in creating a culture of DevOps.
  • Measuring culture: Measuring culture is essential to understand the success of DevOps initiatives.
  • DevOps is about incentives: DevOps is about aligning the incentives of developers and operations teams to create great products.
  • Culture is a reflection of behavior: Culture is a reflection of the behaviors that an organization reinforces.
  • Embedding culture: Embedding a culture of DevOps requires reinforcing certain behaviors through data and KPIs.
  • Creating a DevOps culture: Creating a DevOps culture involves changing ways of working, experimentation, and collaboration.
  • Measuring DevOps: Measuring DevOps is about tracking metrics such as deployments, quality, and feedback.
  • Collaboration is key: Collaboration between developers and operations teams is essential for a successful DevOps culture.
  • Feedback is crucial: Feedback is crucial in creating a culture of DevOps, allowing teams to learn and adapt.
  • Data is essential for success: Data is essential for success in DevOps, allowing teams to track progress and make improvements.