Diversity Beyond Gender in an Economic Downturn. Panel moderated by Lauma Sīle / Httpool

"Dive into the critical discussion on diversity beyond gender, exploring intersectionality, unconscious bias, and practical solutions for a more inclusive environment, moderated by Lauma Sīle."

Key takeaways
  • The economic downturn is exacerbating existing diversity and inclusion issues, especially in the startup and VC industries.
  • Intersectionality is crucial in understanding the complexities of diversity, and companies should focus on creating a more inclusive environment.
  • Unconscious bias is a significant issue, and companies should prioritize education and empathy to overcome it.
  • Key words like “equity”, “empowerment”, and “intersectionality” should be integrated into company cultures.
  • Companies should have a mix of diverse board members and employees to make informed decisions.
  • The economic downturn is a reminder that diversity and inclusion efforts are often the first to be cut.
  • Companies should prioritize education on biase, gender, class, race, and other aspects of diversity.
  • Practically, companies can make a change by having educated people on their boards, being more mindful of biases, and investing in diverse founders.
  • It’s essential to put oneself in others’ shoes and challenge one’s biases to create a more inclusive environment.
  • Interrogating language and promoting a culture of understanding is crucial in tackling diversity issues.
  • More education and awareness are needed to combat the slow decline of diversity efforts in certain industries.
  • Climate justice and economic downturn should not distract from the importance of diversity and inclusion efforts.