A Cellular Automaton with Rust and Bevy - Diemo Heuer - Rust Linz, October 2022

Explore the creation of a cellular automaton with Rust and Bevy, a game engine that provides a strong foundation for game development, and learn how Rust's strong type system and macro system can help create complex and engaging game experiences.

Key takeaways
  • Rust can be used to create cellular automata, a model for simulating complex systems.
  • The game loop is a crucial part of game development, and Bevy provides a good foundation for it.
  • The Entity-Component-System (ECS) pattern is useful for managing complexity in game development.
  • Cellular automata can be used to simulate real-world systems, such as biology and physics.
  • Conway’s Game of Life is a well-known example of a cellular automaton, and can be used to demonstrate its principles.
  • Rust’s macro system can be used to create complex patterns and behaviors in cellular automata.
  • The bv game engine is a great tool for creating games in Rust, and provides a lot of useful features and tools.
  • Game development is about creating engaging and immersive experiences for the player, and Rust can be used to create games that are both fun and challenging.
  • When creating a game, it’s important to consider the game loop and how it will affect the player’s experience.
  • Cellular automata can be used to create complex and interesting patterns, and can be used to demonstrate the principles of complexity and self-organization.
  • Rust’s strong type system and memory safety features make it a great choice for creating games that are both fast and secure.
  • Creating a game is a complex process that requires a lot of planning and execution, but Rust can be used to make the job easier.
  • Rust’s community is active and supportive, and there are many resources available for learning and troubleshooting.
  • The bv game engine is designed to be easy to use, even for beginners, and provides a lot of documentation and examples to help get started.
  • Rust’s concurrency features make it a great choice for creating games that require multiple threads or parallel processing.
  • Cellular automata can be used to create realistic and engaging artificial intelligence, and can be used to simulate complex systems in games.
  • Rust’s error handling features make it a great choice for creating games that require robust error handling and debugging.
  • The bv game engine provides a lot of features and tools for creating games, including physics, graphics, and animation.
  • Rust’s strong type system and memory safety features make it a great choice for creating games that are both fast and secure.
  • Creating a game is a creative process that requires a lot of imagination and experimentation, and Rust can be used to make the job easier.
  • Rust’s community is active and supportive, and there are many resources available for learning and troubleshooting.