RustEdu Workshop 2022 - RustViz: Interactively Visualizing Ownership and Borrowing

Discover RustViz, a tool that helps students visualize ownership and borrowing in Rust, a programming language, making it more accessible and interactive for learning.

Key takeaways
  • The speaker describes the challenge of helping students understand ownership and borrowing in Rust, a programming language, and proposes using visualizations to make it more accessible.
  • RustViz is a tool for visualizing ownership and borrowing in Rust, and it can be used for interactive learning.
  • The visualization shows the ownership and borrowing relationships between variables in the code, including moves and borrows.
  • The tool is designed for students who have some programming experience in imperative languages like C++.
  • The speaker notes that RustViz is not meant to be a specification of the Rust borrow checker, but rather a rough model of how Rust works.
  • The visualization is not meant to be interactive in the classical sense, but rather allows users to hover over elements to get more information.
  • The tool was tested with a group of students who used it to learn Rust, and the results were promising.
  • 95% of students reported that the visualization was either helpful or very helpful, and 75% reported frequently interacting with the visualization.
  • The tool can be used for self-study tutorials and smaller learning modules, and the speaker invites users to contact him if they are interested in developing materials.
  • The speaker proposes exploring alternative visualization styles, including automatic visualization and integration into more courses.
  • The visualization is not meant to be a replacement for the Rust compiler, but rather a tool to help students understand the ownership and borrowing relationships in their code.