Aaron Meurer - Toward Array Interoperability in the Scientific Python Ecosystem | SciPy 2023

Excel in scientific computing with Aaron Meurer's talk on the Python Array API standard, enabling portable code and seamless interoperability across NumPy, CuPy, PyTorch, and JAX.

Key takeaways
  • The Python Array API standard aims to provide a uniform interface across different array libraries, allowing for portable code that can be used with various array libraries, including NumPy, CuPy, PyTorch, and JAX.
  • The standard focuses on the array API, which is a set of functions that can be used to operate on arrays, rather than the underlying implementation details.
  • The standard is designed to be minimal, specifying only the essential behaviors and leaving some details unspecified, such as the underlying storage, precision, and indexing.
  • Libraries that conform to the standard can use the same API and be used interchangeably, allowing for easier adoption and development of new libraries.
  • The standard has two main components: the specification and the tooling. The specification defines the array API and the behaviors of its functions, while the tooling provides support for libraries to adopt the standard.
  • The tooling includes a test suite, a minimal implementation, and a compatibility layer. The test suite ensures that libraries conform to the standard, the minimal implementation provides a minimal viable implementation of the array API, and the compatibility layer provides a way to wrap existing libraries to conform to the standard.
  • The standard aims to solve the problem of portability, where code written for one array library does not work with others, and the problem of interoperability, where libraries do not interact seamlessly.
  • The standard has a focus on adoption, with the goal of having libraries like SciPy and Scikit-learn conform to the standard and use it as the default array API.
  • The standard is still evolving, with the possibility of future versions adding more features and semantics, and the consortium welcomes feedback and contributions from the community.