Adam Wright - Cloud Native Patterns with Postgres on K8s ready

Deploy Cloud Native Postgres easily on K8s with Helm charts, leveraging Kubernetes expertise in security, scalability, and high availability through declarative management and Kubernetes-reconcile loops.

Key takeaways
  • Cloud native Postgres can be deployed in Kubernetes with ease, just like other application containers.
  • The operator manages the PostgreSQL database, including security patches, updates, and backups.
  • Advanced features like PostGIS and other plugins can be easily added to the cluster.
  • The database can be scaled up or down depending on the workload requirements.
  • The operator provides a declarative approach to managing the database, allowing for easy updates and changes.
  • The Kubernetes expertise complements the PostgreSQL expertise, making it easy to manage high availability and scalability.
  • The operator uses the Kubernetes API server to manage the database, making it a fully integrated part of the Kubernetes ecosystem.
  • Cloud native Postgres provides a rich set of data types, including geometry types like PostGIS.
  • The database can be easily connected to other applications using JDBC or other protocols.
  • The operator provides a flexible and scalable way to manage the database, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases.
  • Cloud native Postgres is suitable for use in both private and public clouds.
  • The operator provides a simple and easy-to-use way to manage the database, making it accessible to developers and non-developers alike.
  • The operator uses the Kubernetes reconcile loops to manage the database, making it easy to recover from failures.
  • Advanced features like logging and auditing can be easily enabled in the database.
  • Cloud native Postgres provides a comprehensive solution for deploying and managing PostgreSQL databases in Kubernetes.