Alicia Rojas - Building an offline experience with a Rails-powered PWA - Rails World 2023

Building a seamless offline experience for your users by leveraging Rails' power in Progressive Web Apps. Explore the techniques and strategies for offline data storage and handling, service worker management, and ensuring a native-like experience.

Key takeaways
  • When building a Progressive Web App (PWA), it’s essential to consider offline support and data synchronization.
  • Indexed DB can be used to store data locally and then sync it with the server when online.
  • The service worker can be used to manage offline data and provide offline fallbacks.
  • Hotwire can be used to build a PWA with Rails, and stimulus can be used to create a more programmer-friendly syntax for Indexed DB.
  • It’s important to handle validation errors and network status when building a PWA.
  • PWA features can supercharge an application and provide a seamless offline experience.
  • It’s important to consider the impact of browser compatibility on PWA development.
  • A service worker can be used to intercept requests and provide offline fallbacks.
  • Indexed DB can be used to store large amounts of data, including images and files.
  • It’s important to handle errors and provide offline fallbacks when building a PWA.
  • The manifest file should include the app’s name, description, and icons.
  • A PWA can provide a native-like experience without the need for native app development.
  • Hotwire can be used to create a PWA with a minimum amount of JavaScript.
  • Service workers can be used to cache and provide offline fallbacks.
  • PWA development requires careful consideration of network status and validation errors.
  • Hotwire can be used to create a PWA with Rails, and stimulus can be used to create a more programmer-friendly syntax for Indexed DB.
  • It’s important to consider the impact of platform specificity on PWA development.
  • The manifest file should include the app’s name, description, and icons.
  • Hotwire can be used to create a PWA with a minimum amount of JavaScript.