Alyssa Goodman, A Goodman Alyssa Goodman Keynote | JupyterCon 2023

Join Alyssa Goodman's keynote at JupyterCon 2023 as she introduces GLUE, a new tool for linking datasets and exploring relationships through interactive visualizations, enabling "Explore, Explain" discovery and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration.

Key takeaways
  • GLUE (GLearn Unified) is a tool for linking scientific datasets and making interactive visualizations to enable data exploration and storytelling.
  • It is not an acronym and can be used for all types of data.
  • The concept of GLUE comes from SAMP, which allowed scientists to exchange data between software packages.
  • GLUE enables integration of various data sources and platforms to facilitate discovery and exploration of relationships.
  • Alyssa Goodman introduced the concept of “Explore, Explain” which combines data analysis, visualizations, and storytelling for discovery.
  • GLUE combines 2D and 3D visualization capabilities and is designed for researchers to interact with datasets, share knowledge, and promote interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • The presentation showcases examples of using GLUE to link data, enable interactive visualizations, and demonstrate discoveries.
  • Data fusion, clustering, and analysis tools can be applied to various domains including biology, physics, and astronomy.
  • There is no manual data management and visualization.