C++ Memory Model: from C++11 to C++23 - Alex Dathskovsky - CppCon 2023

C++ memory model explained: from C++11 to C++23. Learn about compiler reordering, atomic operations, memory barriers, and synchronization techniques to write correct and efficient multithreaded code.

Key takeaways
  • C++ memory model is important for multithreaded programming
  • We can store data in registers as well as memory
  • Compiler can reorder instructions, but not across locks or atomic operations *_compiler Additionally, compiler can do copy elision, which can be beneficial
  • C++20 introduces std::atomic for shared pointers
  • std::atomic_thread_fence and std::memory_order can be used to control memory model
  • volatile keyword is not a magic solution, but can be used to prevent compiler optimizations
  • Memory barriers can be used to ensure sequential consistency
  • Latches and barriers are different, but both are used for synchronization
  • stop_source and stop_token can be used together to control thread execution
  • C++ has many tools for synchronization, but also can lead to complex code
  • Understanding the memory model is important for avoiding data races and ensuring correct program behavior
  • Memory order relaxed means that some operations can be reordered, but still ensure the correct result
  • Atomic operations are fundamental for multithreaded programming
  • Simple thread synchronization can be achieved using std::atomic_thread_fence
  • Compiler optimizations can be used to improve performance, but must be carefully managed
  • Multithreaded programming requires careful attention to memory model and synchronization
  • std::shared_ptr can be used with std::atomic for shared ownership
  • Understanding branch prediction is important for optimizing code
  • C++ standard library provides many useful tools for multithreaded programming, such as std::thread, std::mutex, std::atomic and more.