Can C++ Data-oriented-design be Improved? - Ollivier Roberge - CppCon 2023

Discover how data-oriented design can be improved and made more effective in this thought-provoking talk, exploring the concept, philosophy, and practices of data-oriented design in C++.

Key takeaways
  • The concept of data-oriented design is defined as focusing on optimal transformations of data and modeling the world.
  • Data-oriented design is not necessarily close to what the philosophy is.
  • The talk emphasizes the importance of understanding the problem and focuses on the data.
  • Some points of data-oriented design philosophy include:
    • Focus on the data
    • Meta-programming is an interesting topic, especially for those who are interested in logic and creating complex programs.
    • It’s possible to create functional programming code without using templates or other functional programming concepts.
    • Data-oriented design is not limited to just one aspect of programming; it’s a philosophy that can be applied in various areas.
  • The speaker notes that data-oriented design can be improved, but it’s not easy to achieve.
  • The main points of the talk include:
    • Focus on the data
    • Understanding the problem
    • Meta-programming is an interesting topic
    • Data-oriented design is not limited to just one aspect of programming
    • It’s possible to create functional programming code without using templates or other functional programming concepts