Cultural post mortems: an approach to learning and recovering when your people systems fail

Learn how to apply complex adaptive systems principles to your team, including cultural post-mortems, feedback loops, and experimentation, to improve learning, adaptation, and team performance.

Key takeaways
  • Complex adaptive systems are made up of many interacting agents that work together to achieve a shared goal.
  • In complex systems, simple rules can lead to emergent behavior, which is difficult to predict.
  • When a perturbance occurs in the system, it can have a profound impact and lead to adaptation.
  • Feedback loops are important in complex systems, allowing agents to learn and adjust their behavior.
  • Teams and organizations can use complex adaptive systems to understand themselves and improve their dynamics.
  • Cultural post-mortems can be a useful tool for teams to reflect on their experiences and improve their processes.
  • Patterns of behavior can emerge in complex systems, and understanding these patterns can help teams adjust their behavior to achieve their goals.
  • Learning and adaptation are key aspects of complex adaptive systems, and teams should prioritize these aspects to improve their performance.
  • Experimentation and iteration can be used to adjust patterns of behavior in complex systems.
  • Understanding the context of a system is important for teams to effectively navigate complex dynamics.
  • Simple rules can help teams establish a shared understanding and improve their communication.
  • Reflecting on experiences can help teams learn from their mistakes and improve their processes.
  • Complex adaptive systems can be used to understand the dynamics of teams and organizations, and to improve their performance.