Design from Manufacturing

Designing a product that seamlessly integrates with the manufacturing process is crucial for success. Learn about the complexities of manufacturing, from sourcing and supply chain to economics and collaboration, in this presentation.

Key takeaways
  • Design for Manufacturing (DFM) is not just about making a product, but about creating a manufacturing process.
  • Manufacturing is still a big pain in the ass, and people don’t realize how complex it is.
  • Designing a product for manufacturing requires understanding of sourcing and supply chain, as well as understanding of the economics of production.
  • 3D printing and additive manufacturing have reduced the need for tooling and prototyping, but still require a good understanding of the manufacturing process.
  • Open source hardware is becoming increasingly important, as it allows for sharing of knowledge and resources.
  • The maker movement and DIY culture have democratized access to manufacturing, but also creates new challenges.
  • Hardware development is like an orchestra, requiring collaboration and coordination between different teams and stakeholders.
  • People who have not been through the manufacturing process often underestimate its complexity and challenges.
  • Manufacturing requires a good understanding of economics, supply chain, and production, as well as a lot of support and resources.
  • Designing a product for manufacturing requires understanding of the product’s mechanical and electrical components, as well as its electronic components.
  • Pricing and cost calculations are critical components of manufacturing, and require a good understanding of the product’s design and production process.
  • Communicating with manufacturers and suppliers can be difficult, especially when there are cultural and language barriers.
  • Inflation, tariffs, and other economic factors can affect the cost and availability of components and raw materials.
  • Designing a product for manufacturing requires understanding of the product’s performance, reliability, and maintainability.
  • Open source EDA formats can facilitate collaboration and sharing of designs and plans.
  • The manufacturing process is becoming increasingly important, as more and more products are being designed and manufactured.
  • Understanding of manufacturing and its challenges is crucial for the development of new products and technologies.
  • People need to learn about manufacturing and its importance, as it is becoming increasingly important for the development of new products and technologies.