Detecting and Fixing Unbound Concurrency Problems - Ivan Valkov

Learn how to detect and fix unbound concurrency problems in your Go application, including creating a benchmark, profiling, and configuring limits on Go routines to prevent memory issues.

Key takeaways
  • Detecting and fixing unbound concurrency problems requires understanding the failure scenarios of your use case and bug.
  • Check metrics, such as the number of Go routines and what they are doing, to identify the issue.
  • Create a benchmark to reproduce the problem and profile to identify bottlenecks.
  • Use a simple log listener to simulate slow log ingestion and report issues.
  • Run a profile, check the metrics, and try to fix the code to bound the number of Go routines.
  • Use configuration options to set a limit on the number of Go routines.
  • Try to reproduce the problem to fix it, and then verify the fix works.
  • Events can be queued outside of the application, as in Knative eventing, to reduce the load on the logging aggregator.
  • Avoid creating too many Go routines and monitor memory usage to prevent running out of memory.
  • Consider reducing the number of Go routines and adjusting the log listener to avoid creating millions of Go routines.
  • Think about how to detect and fix unbound concurrency in your application.
  • Bound the number of Go routines and monitor memory usage.
  • Consider adding a timeout to prevent Go routines from building up.
  • Use debugging tools, such as pprof, to profile and understand the code.
  • Verify that the fix works by reproducing the problem and checking metrics.
  • Monitor and adjust memory usage to prevent running out of memory.
  • Use a single channel for work queuing to simplify the code.