Discover the New Firefox Profiler

Explore the new Firefox Profiler, a powerful tool for developers to analyze performance issues and optimize code, featuring advanced features and easy-to-use interfaces.

Key takeaways
  • The Firefox Profiler is a tool to help developers analyze performance issues and use their browsers more efficiently.
  • The Profiler uses a sampling approach to capture and analyze the call stack of a program.
  • The UI of the Profiler is complex, but the main data sources are samples and markers.
  • Samples provide a top-down view of the profile, while markers provide a bottom-up view.
  • The Profiler can capture screenshots and record network requests.
  • The UI has several panels, including a timeline panel, a network panel, and a marker panel.
  • The Profiler can also be used to share performance data with others.
  • Profiler stops the execution of the program in a fixed rate, for example one millisecond, to get the stack information.
  • You can filter the data by type, such as JavaScript or native calls.
  • You can also see the self time and the run in time for each function call.
  • The Profiler can be used to identify performance issues and optimize the code.
  • You can capture a profile and then share it with an expert to get help with performance issues.
  • You can also use the Profiler to identify performance bottlenecks and optimize the code.
  • The Profiler is available at
  • There are two main UIs in the Profiler, the dense view and the advanced view.
  • The dense view provides a high-level overview of the profile, while the advanced view provides more detailed information.
  • The Profiler is designed to be easy to use, even for non-technical people.