DjangoCon Europe 2023 | All about

Explore the evolution of, featuring a new team, search engine, dashboard, and user feedback mechanisms to improve the Django website and community.

Key takeaways
  • The Django project website has undergone significant transformations, with a new team, clear structure, and full text search engine.
  • The new search function is based on Postgres, allowing for multilingual support, and can be used with web search syntax, such as exact phrase search and word removal.
  • The website has a dashboard that contains metrics about the contribution and can be used to navigate easier.
  • The user experience can be improved by collecting feedback from users through surveys and interviews.
  • The organization wants to expand the number of languages available on the website and is inviting the community to translate the documentation.
  • The Django website contains various sections, including a community section, a forum, and a fundraising section where users can donate to the foundation.
  • The website is available in different formats, including HTML, PDF, and EPUB.
  • The backtracker is a feature that allows users to track issues and can be used to open an issue and propose a solution.
  • Paolo has a personal experience in using the Django website and has contributed to the project by proposing fixes and solutions.
  • The will be gathering feedback from users through surveys and interviews to improve the user experience.
  • There is a need to translate the documentation into multiple languages, and the community is invited to participate in the translation project.
  • The Django website has a section dedicated to the Django software foundation, where users can find information about the foundation and its activities.
  • The organization wants to make sure that the user experience is improved by asking for feedback from users.
  • Various sections of the website need improvement, such as the navigation flow and the organization of pages.
  • Paolo has been a contributor to the Django project and has attended several conferences, including DjangoCon Europe and EuroPython.
  • The backtracker is not simple to use at the beginning, but once users get used to it, it becomes a powerful tool.