DjangoCon Europe 2023 | HTMX vs WASM - more backend or more frontend?

Explore the debate between HTMX, a lightweight JavaScript framework, and WASM, a promising technology for client-side computations, discussing their potential impact on frontend and backend development.

Key takeaways
  • HTMX (Hyperdrive Windowed Meta-Extensions) is a lightweight JavaScript framework that allows you to build scalable web applications with a focus on the front-end
  • HTMX vs WASM (WebAssembly) - more backend or more frontend?
  • Pyadite is actually quite heavy, because Python has a lot of things, and also because it’s not community-driven
  • HTMX works well with Django, and makes it easy to deploy projects with minimal setup and complexity
  • The goal is to make it easy to write Python code without having to compile it beforehand
  • HTMX uses a PyScript tag, which allows you to write Python code directly in the HTML file
  • PyScript is a better approach than HTMX, as it allows for more flexibility and control
  • WASM (WebAssembly) is a promising technology that can be used to run complex computations on the client-side
  • The future of web development may involve more front-end development, with less reliance on back-end technologies
  • Companies like Mozilla and Google are investing heavily in WASM, and it’s expected to become a major player in the industry
  • Jupyter notebooks are an example of a technology that allows you to run Python code directly in the browser
  • Pyodide is a project that allows you to run Python code in the browser, and it’s driven by the community
  • There are many use cases for Pyodide, such as data science and scientific computing
  • Pyodide is a great example of how open-source technology can be used to democratize access to complex technologies
  • The future of web development will be shaped by the interplay between front-end and back-end technologies
  • There will be a summit on Pyodide in the future, and it will be a great opportunity to learn more about the technology.