Docker for development - Ciaran McNulty

Learn how to leverage Docker for development, creating containers, defining Dockerfiles, and sharing images to simplify deployment across environments.

Key takeaways
  • Docker is a platform for software development that allows you to package your application and its dependencies into a single container.
  • Dockerfiles are scripts that define the environment and packages needed for your application to run.
  • A Docker image is a lightweight and standalone package that includes everything needed to run your application.
  • Docker images can be shared and reused, making it easy to deploy applications across different environments.
  • Docker Compose is a tool that allows you to define and run multi-container Docker applications.
  • Docker Hub is a registry that allows you to store and share your Docker images.
  • Docker offers various features such as copy, add, and rm commands, which can be used to manage files and directories within an image.
  • You can use Docker to build a specific environment that matches what your development environment is.