Dublin Tech Summit 2022 : Rebooting the News

Discover the future of the news industry at Dublin Tech Summit 2022, exploring the impact of tech on trust, the unbundling of journalism, and innovative strategies for rebuilding trust and revenue streams.

Key takeaways
  • Legacy media publications and journalist founders were dependent on tech platforms like Facebook, which impacted trust in news.
  • In the UK, the public’s trust in news and institutions is reversing, while in the US, it continues to decline.
  • The unbundling of journalism has led to individual journalists creating their own brands, especially on social media.
  • Locally focused news is particularly important for maintaining trust, with local TV news being less polarizing.
  • The proliferation of streaming services is a significant shift, with many households purchasing multiple subscriptions.
  • Businesses must adapt to this new landscape, prioritizing customer focus and diversifying revenue streams.
  • Non-profit journalism initiatives are gaining traction, with mission-driven funders and philanthropic backing.
  • Technological innovations, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, can help mitigate the spread of misinformation.
  • Building trust is crucial, with institutions like the BBC and ITV maintaining high levels of trust in the UK.
  • There is no silver bullet solution, but a combination of approaches will be necessary to rebuild trust.
  • Diversifying revenue streams and adopting flexible business models, such as subscription-based and pay-per-view, are key strategies.
  • Fostering a sense of community through local news and engaging with customers directly are also important considerations.