Effective Pandas I Matt Harrison I PyData Salt Lake City Meetup

Mastering pandas: Essential Data Analysis Techniques - This talk covers essential pandas techniques, including data inspection, data manipulation, aggregation, grouping, and debugging, to help you become proficient in using pandas for data analysis.

Key takeaways
  • Effective use of df.info() to inspect the data type of each column
  • Importance of converting to correct types (e.g., int64 instead of float64) to save memory
  • Using value_counts() to inspect the distribution of values in a column
  • Using dropna() to remove missing values
  • Using apply() and assign() to manipulate data frames
  • Importance of mastering aggregation and groupby operations
  • Using pipe() to chain operations together
  • Converting to numeric data types to enable vectorized operations
  • Importance of data exploration and inspection before diving into analysis
  • Using display() to inspect the structure of a data frame
  • Importance of testing and debugging code
  • Using groupby() to aggregate data by a categorical column
  • Importance of converting categorical columns to numeric values
  • Using pandas as a core component of data analysis
  • Using astype() to convert a column to a specific data type
  • Importance of using the correct data types in pandas operations
  • Using zip_longest() to merge two data frames together
  • Importance of using display() to inspect the structure of a data frame
  • Using pandas as a tool for expedient analysis of data