Evolution of a Median Algorithm in C++ - Pete Isensee - CppCon 2023

Learn how the median algorithm was evolved in C++ to be more efficient, accurate, and flexible by leveraging the `nth_element` algorithm, making it applicable to any sortable container.

Key takeaways
  • Algorithms can be made generic and work for any sortable container, making them more useful and powerful.
  • The nth_element algorithm is a great example of a generic algorithm that can be used for any type of data.
  • The median algorithm was made more efficient and accurate by using nth_element to find the middle element.
  • The algorithm was also made more flexible by allowing it to work with any type of container, not just vectors.
  • The middle_element function was used to find the middle element of the container, which is a key part of the median algorithm.
  • The algorithm was made more accurate by using the nth_element algorithm to find the middle element, rather than simply taking the average of the first and last elements.
  • The nth_element algorithm is a great example of a algorithm that can be used to solve a variety of problems in a generic way.
  • The median algorithm can be made more efficient by using the nth_element algorithm to find the middle element, rather than sorting the entire container.
  • The algorithm can be made more flexible by allowing it to work with any type of container, not just vectors.
  • The middle_element function is a key part of the median algorithm and can be used to find the middle element of any container.
  • The algorithm can be made more accurate by using the nth_element algorithm to find the middle element, rather than simply taking the average of the first and last elements.
  • The nth_element algorithm can be used to find the middle element of any container, not just vectors.