Federica Ciuffo and Christian Melendez - Building sustainable architectures with Kubernetes

Learn how to build sustainable architectures with Kubernetes using Carpenter, an open-source autoscaler that optimizes instance types and spot instances for cost and sustainability.

Key takeaways
  • Carpenter is a Kubernetes native autoscaler that optimizes instance types and spot instances for cost and sustainability.
  • It works by analyzing instance types and spot instances to identify the most cost-effective options, and automatically scaling up or down based on application demand.
  • Carpenter is designed to work with multiple instance types, including ARM architecture, and can be used with multiple cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services.
  • It is application-centric, meaning that it is designed to work with specific applications and is optimized for their specific needs.
  • Carpenter is open-source and has been used by multiple customers to achieve significant cost savings and sustainability gains.
  • It is compatible with Amazon EKS and Azure AKS, and is designed to be highly customizable and flexible.
  • Carpenter uses a combination of labels, affinity rules, and node selectors to optimize instance type selection and scaling.
  • It is designed to work with a variety of instance types, including spot instances, and can automatically switch between different instance types based on demand.
  • Carpenter has been used by multiple customers to achieve significant cost savings and sustainability gains, and has been shown to be highly effective in optimizing instance type selection and scaling.
  • It is designed to be highly customizable and flexible, and can be used with a variety of different applications and workloads.
  • Carpenter is part of the CNCF and is being actively developed and improved by the Kubernetes community.