floppy: Synth-Sounds-Bastelstunde

Discover the art of creating unique sounds with Vital and Vitalium, and learn how to use LFOs, FFTs, and mouse controls to unlock new sonic possibilities in this interactive synth-sounds workshop.

Key takeaways
  • The LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) does not have a gain.
  • The LFO does not have a tone.
  • The speaker wishes to discuss the topic of floppy sounds.
  • The speaker suggests using Vital or Vitalium to create interesting sounds.
  • The speaker recommends using the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) to work with the obelwels.
  • The speaker mentions using Nesinos-Welle and Vitalium to create specific sounds.
  • The speaker is working on a private project and invites others to collaborate.
  • The speaker thinks electronic music is a way to make money.
  • The speaker suggests trying out different sounds and modifications to create unique sounds.
  • The speaker recommends using the obelwels to work with the obelwels.
  • The speaker suggests using mouse controls to adjust sound levels.
  • The speaker is discussing the launch of a new project and invites others to participate.
  • The speaker is discussing drums and using LFOs to create interesting sounds.
  • The speaker is discussing synthesizers and using LFOs to create specific sounds.
  • The speaker is discussing the release of their private project.
  • The speaker is discussing the creation of complex drum beats using LFOs.
  • The speaker is discussing the use of FFTs and Vitalium to create interesting sounds.
  • The speaker is demonstrating a new sound effect and invites others to try it out.
  • The speaker is discussing the importance of adjusting sound levels and using mouse controls.
  • The speaker is discussing the use of LFOs to create interesting sounds and invitations to collaborate.
  • The speaker is discussing the release of their private project.