From k9s to OpenTelemetry: A guide to observability for your apps in K8s by Matthias Haeussler

Discover how to achieve observability for your Kubernetes applications with k9s, OpenTelemetry, and more, in this comprehensive guide covering monitoring, debugging, and visualization tools.

Key takeaways
  • Kubernetes API provides a way to interact with Kubernetes components, such as pods, deployments, and services.
  • kubectl debug command can be used to add a container with HTOP installed to inspect application performance.
  • Monitoring and observability are important aspects of application development, with tools like Prometheus and Grafana helping to provide visibility into application performance.
  • Headlamp and Schooner are tools that provide visibility into application performance, with Headlamp focusing on serverless applications and Schooner providing visibility into JVM metrics.
  • OpenTelemetry is a new standard for collecting and transmitting telemetry data, with OpenTracing and OpenCensus being integrated into it.
  • eBPF provides a way to inject code into the kernel, allowing for better visibility into application performance.
  • Sidecars are containers that run alongside application containers, providing additional functionality like proxying or monitoring.
  • Containerized application landscapes can be complex to manage and observe, with tools like K9s and Open Lens providing ways to visualize and monitor these environments.
  • kubectl logs command can be used to gather logging information and debug application performance issues.
  • Service meshes can provide visibility into application connectivity and traffic distribution.
  • OpenTelemetry aims to standardize collection and transmission of telemetry data, with vendors like Elastic, Dynatrace, and Datadog contributing to it.
  • Auto instrumentation can be used to collect metrics from applications without requiring code changes.
  • Grafana provides customizable dashboards for visualizing application performance metrics.