Fun with Algorithms and Data Structures - Beth Anderson

Discover the fascinating world of algorithms and data structures, exploring concepts from heaps and graphs to Dijkstra's algorithm and self-balancing trees, and learn how they can be used to solve problems in various domains.

Key takeaways
  • Fun with algorithms and data structures can be a fascinating topic.
  • Data structures can be complex, having multiple connections between nodes, such as a graph.
  • Heaps are often implemented with an array, with each element representing a node.
  • Time complexity is the time it takes to execute an algorithm, measured in Big O notation.
  • Space complexity is the amount of memory used by an algorithm.
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm is a famous shortest path algorithm.
  • Self-balancing trees can be used to ensure efficient traversal.
  • Linked lists and queues can be used to implement heap and priority queue data structures.
  • Scheduling and prioritizing tasks can be achieved using algorithms and data structures.
  • Balancing trees can be achieved using techniques like inserting nodes from one side until that side is full, or removing the heaviest node and inserting it at the root.
  • Data structures like stacks and queues can be used to implement algorithms.
  • Graph traversal algorithms like DFS and BFS exist, and can be used to traverse complex data structures.
  • Algorithms and data structures can be used to solve problems in many domains.
  • Fun with algorithms and data structures can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of computer science.