Gamified Control - China's Social Credit Systems | ML Conference 2018 Spring

Explore the dark side of gamification as the Chinese government leverages it for social control, data collection, and behavior manipulation in their Social Credit Systems.

Key takeaways
  • Gamification is used as a tool for social control: The Chinese government uses gamification to encourage citizens to behave in a certain way, with rewards for good behavior and penalties for bad behavior.
  • Data is a huge problem: The amount of data being collected and used is massive, and most people don’t realize or care about it.
  • Private companies are collecting massive amounts of data: Alibaba, Baidu, and Tencent are collecting and using vast amounts of data, often without users’ knowledge or consent.
  • Social Credit Systems are being developed: The Chinese government is developing a Social Credit System that uses data to determine an individual’s trustworthiness and reward or punish them accordingly.
  • Gamification is used in everyday life: Gamification is not just limited to games, it’s used in everyday life to influence behavior, such as in dating apps, and to make people feel good about themselves.
  • Technology is advancing rapidly: Technology is advancing rapidly, and it’s hard to keep up with the pace of change, let alone understand the consequences of it.
  • Data is used to influence behavior: Data is used to influence behavior, and once it’s collected, it’s difficult to erase or control.
  • Private companies are working with the government: Private companies are working closely with the government to develop and implement the Social Credit System.
  • Data is power: Data is power, and those who control it have great influence over others.
  • Humans are not good at understanding technology: Humans are not good at understanding technology, and it’s often difficult to comprehend the consequences of it.