How non-violent Communication can help keep the Peace on your Team | Casie Siekman

Learn how to foster a culture of trust, empathy, and effective communication on your team using non-violent communication principles, enabling you to navigate critical conversations with ease and breed a culture of understanding and respect.

Key takeaways
  • Effective communication starts with self-awareness and understanding of your emotions and needs.
  • Non-violent communication helps build trust and understanding by listening actively and acknowledging others’ feelings and needs.
  • Mastering your own story and understanding your emotions is essential for effective communication.
  • In a critical conversation, ask yourself “What do I really want out of this conversation?” to stay focused on your goals.
  • Building trust with others is key to open and honest communication; it takes time and effort to rebuild trust if broken.
  • Differentiate between your own emotions and others’ actions; take responsibility for your emotions and reactions.
  • Communication is not about being right, but about understanding and growth; it’s okay to compromise and find a middle ground.
  • “Minnesota nice” refers to avoiding conflict and discomfort in favor of maintaining a harmonious relationship.
  • The fool’s choice is believing you have to choose between two bad alternatives; instead, look for a third option or compromise.
  • Understanding the root of your emotions and feelings is crucial for effective communication.
  • Acknowledge and express your feelings explicitly to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Practice active listening and empathy to build trust and understanding with others.
  • Critical conversations can be difficult, but approaching them with empathy and understanding can lead to positive outcomes.