How to Fundraise During an Economic Downturn. Panel moderated by Thomas Macaulay / The Next Web

Learn how to navigate the challenges of fundraising during an economic downturn from a panel of experts at The Next Web's conference, moderated by Thomas Macaulay.

Key takeaways
  • Fundraising becomes harder during economic downturns, with investors being more cautious and seeking more evidence of traction.
  • Founders should focus on having a strong vision, being profitable, and having a good team to attract investors.
  • In times of uncertainty, companies should focus on creating value and solving real problems.
  • Investors are looking for companies that can demonstrate revenue traction and have a clear path to profitability.
  • Raising capital during economic downturns requires being more proactive and strategic, with a focus on finding the right investors andefined message.
  • It’s essential to be confident and persistent in the fundraising process, and to be open to feedback and rejection.
  • Founders should also focus on building relationships with investors and being in continuous fundraising mode to be prepared for unexpected opportunities.
  • The bar has probably gotten higher for making investments, with investors seeking more evidence of traction and a clear path to profitability.
  • Companies that can adapt and pivot quickly will be better positioned to succeed during economic downturns.
  • Investors are looking for companies that have a strong team, a solid business model, and a clear vision for the future.
  • It’s essential for founders to be realistic about their funding needs and to have a clear plan for how they will use the funding to drive growth.
  • Raising capital during economic downturns requires being more agile and flexible, with the ability to adjust plans and priorities quickly in response to changing market conditions.