How to Schedule Tasks with Celery and Django

Learn how to use Celery and Django to execute tasks asynchronously, scale your app, and manage complex workflows while preventing data loss and job failures.

Key takeaways
  • Use Celery to execute tasks asynchronously and scale your application horizontally.
  • Set up a result store to keep track of task results and prevent data loss.
  • Use Celery beat for scheduled tasks, but only run one process per queue to avoid duplicate tasks.
  • Minimize the size of task arguments and results to reduce message overhead.
  • Use the star function to group tasks and run them in parallel.
  • Define a task with the delay function to schedule tasks at a later time.
  • Use Redis as a result store and message broker, but be aware of its limitations.
  • Configure Celery to hold a task that exceeds its visibility timeout to prevent job failure.
  • Monitor Celery tasks and results through the Django admin interface.
  • Utilize Celery’s built-in features, such as group and chain, to manage complex workflows.