Idealab and Heliogen Founder Bill Gross | Full Interview | Code 2022

Join Idealab and Heliogen Founder Bill Gross as he shares innovative solutions to tackle climate change, leveraging technology, and the importance of collective effort for a sustainable future.

Key takeaways
  • Energy is a fundamental aspect of life, and its transformation is crucial for humanity’s future.
  • Bill Gross highlights the need for innovative solutions to tackle climate change, as the current pace of progress is insufficient.
  • He emphasizes the importance of leveraging technological advancements, such as Moore’s Law, to make clean energy more accessible and affordable.
  • The ideal goal is 100,000 shots on goal to reduce greenhouse gases, which is only achievable through collective effort and a shift towards renewable energy sources.
  • Desalination and energy storage are critical components of addressing the global need for water and energy.
  • The government’s role is to support innovation and entrepreneurship, as individuals and companies cannot solve the problem alone.
  • Climate tech is experiencing its Netscape moment, with exponential growth in innovation and investment.
  • The Inflation Reduction Act is crucial for accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy.
  • The key to success lies in making clean energy cheaper than dirty energy through technological innovation and economies of scale.
  • Bill Gross calls for making desalination run on renewables, as it is a critical component of addressing global water scarcity.
  • The space is huge, and there are many opportunities to make a difference through innovation and entrepreneurship.
  • The brain power and innovative spirit within the audience are crucial for driving progress towards a sustainable future.
  • The wealthiest individuals have the means and resources to make a significant impact.
  • Governments need to support innovation and entrepreneurship to drive the necessary changes.
  • Energy storage is crucial for allowing 10,000 companies to flourish.
  • The cost of making a difference must be redefined, as the government’s current actions are insufficient.
  • Climate change is a personal experience for Bill Gross, who believes that “people talk about $400 billion but it’s really $4 trillion”.
  • The most important thing is to not rely on government support alone, as it is fleeting, but to build companies and a civil society.
  • The idealab and helion energy trials are driven by a desire to make a positive impact, not just financial returns.