Image processing with Halide - Svenn-Arne Dragly - NDC TechTown 2023

Discover how Halide, a domain-specific language, simplifies image processing for mobile, desktop, and automotive platforms by separating algorithms from optimization, and learn about its features for efficient computation, debugging, and type checking.

Key takeaways
  • Halide is a domain-specific language that allows for mobile, desktop and automotive platforms.
  • Halide separates the algorithm from the optimization, making it easier to maintain and modify.
  • Halide’s CPU and GPU tiling can be used to optimize computations.
  • To decouple the algorithm from the optimization, Halide allows for pure functions.
  • Halide’s compiler can schedule the computations for maximum efficiency.
  • Halide provides autoschedulers that can optimize the computations.
  • Halide can be used with C++ and Python.
  • Halide’s scheduler can be controlled to optimize the computations.
  • Halide provides debugging tools to help debug the code.
  • Halide supports various platforms and devices.
  • Halide can be used for image processing, computer vision, and machine learning.
  • Halide’s tile function can be used to split the computation into smaller chunks.
  • Halide’s reduce function can be used to reduce the output of the computation.
  • The autorun function can be used to autorun the code.
  • Halide’s verbose option can be used to visualize the computation.
  • Halide provides static type checking and runtime checking.
  • Halide’s accuracy can be improved by specifying the precision of the computation.