Java on CRaC: Superfast JVM Application Startup by Simon Ritter

Java on CRaC: Discover how the JVM's startup process can be accelerated, leveraging AOT and JIT compilation, coordinated restore, and runtime optimization techniques for faster application startup and improved overall performance.

Key takeaways
  • The JVM’s startup process involves three phases: parsing, compilation, and execution.
  • Deoptimizations can occur when the JVM’s assumptions about the code are proven wrong, leading to performance issues.
  • Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation can improve performance by compiling code beforehand, but it can lead to larger executables.
  • Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation can also improve performance by compiling frequently executed code at runtime.
  • The JVM can take advantage of compiler optimization techniques such as monomorphic site inlining and branch analysis.
  • The CRaC project aims to improve JVM performance by reducing startup time and increasing overall performance.
  • CRaC uses a technique called “coordinated restore” to quickly resume an application after a checkpoint.
  • The JVM can benefit from being made aware of when an application is being restarted, allowing it to optimize its behavior accordingly.
  • The JVM’s performance warm-up process involves multiple stages, including parsing, compilation, and execution.
  • Further optimization techniques can be applied at runtime, such as profiling and speculative optimization.
  • The JVM’s ability to adapt to changing profiling patterns can lead to improved performance over time.
  • Java’s popularity can be attributed to its vast range of libraries and frameworks, as well as its strong backwards compatibility.
  • Java’s platform independence allows code to be written once and run on any platform without modification.