Jorge Manrubia - Making a difference with Turbo - Rails World 2023

Making a difference with Turbo: learn how this innovative framework improves developer happiness and productivity by providing a simpler, more intuitive way to build web applications, with a focus on programmer happiness.

Key takeaways
  • Turbo is designed to improve developer happiness and productivity by providing a simpler, more intuitive way to build web applications.
  • Turbo replaces the traditional Rails request-response cycle with a new paradigm that involves the browser handling requests and updating the page dynamically.
  • Morphing is a core concept in Turbo that allows developers to update parts of the page without requiring a full page reload.
  • Stream actions are used to update parts of the page and broadcast changes to the browser.
  • Turbo introduces a new concept called page refresh, which allows the browser to detect and handle page refreshes automatically.
  • The default path in Turbo is the happy path, which is designed to provide the best experience for most use cases.
  • The Happy Path is achieved by using the Rails request-response cycle and rendering the full page on each request.
  • The full body replacement is the default behavior in Turbo, which means that the entire page is replaced on each request.
  • Morphing is a powerful tool that can be used to update parts of the page without requiring a full page reload.
  • Turbo provides a set of APIs and tools to make it easy to build interactive web applications.
  • The key to building interactive web applications is to focus on the happy path and use Turbo’s APIs and tools to make it easy to build and maintain applications.
  • The future of Turbo is focused on making it easier to build and maintain interactive web applications.
  • The goal of Turbo is to make programmer happiness the top priority.
  • Turbo is designed to be a progressive framework that makes it easier to build and maintain applications over time.
  • The best way to build applications is to focus on the happy path and use Turbo’s APIs and tools to make it easy to build and maintain applications.