Just enough ops for developers with Peter Baumgartner - DjangoCon US 2022

Developers can learn just enough ops knowledge to improve their applications' performance, scalability, and reliability, without getting overwhelmed. From memory usage to error monitoring, this talk covers the essential concepts.

Key takeaways
  • Just enough ops for developers: This talk is about giving developers just enough information about operations to make their lives easier, without overwhelming them with details.
  • Memory usage is limited: Memory is limited and easy to run out of, especially when dealing with large requests or many concurrent connections.
  • CPU usage is critical: CPU usage is critical, as it can affect response times and user experience.
  • Error monitoring is crucial: Monitoring errors is crucial, as slow responses can be a sign of issues, and errors can be a sign of something more serious.
  • Databases are tuned: Databases are commonly tuned and may not require much configuration.
  • Platform as a service provides ease: Platforms as a service can provide ease of use and scalability, but may come with limitations.
  • Serverless has limitations: Serverless computing has limitations, such as cold starts and higher costs, but can be a good option in certain situations.
  • Scaling vertically vs horizontally: Vertical scaling (adding more resources to a single instance) is different from horizontal scaling (adding more instances), and each has its own trade-offs.
  • IO blocking is bad: IO blocking is when a request is blocked waiting for IO to complete, which is bad for performance and can lead to errors.
  • Asynchronous IO is easier: Asynchronous IO is easier to use and can improve performance, but may require more careful configuration.
  • Gunicorn is a great option: Gunicorn is a great option for managing application servers and processes.
  • Track CPU and memory usage: Tracking CPU and memory usage is important to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance.
  • Tuning is important: Tuning is important for performance and scalability, but can be complex and require expertise.
  • Managed services are convenient: Managed services can be convenient and provide ease of use, but may come with limitations.