Keep Your Cache Always Fresh with Debezium! by Gunnar Morling

Use Debezium to keep your cache always fresh with real-time change data capture, improving application performance, scalability, and fault-tolerance.

Key takeaways
  • Use Debezium to capture changes in a database and stream them to caches for improved application performance.
  • Caches can be used to denormalize data, reducing the need for complex joins and improving query performance.
  • Debezium can be used to create a distributed cache architecture, where data is replicated across multiple nodes for improved availability and scalability.
  • Caches can be used to improve application performance by reducing the load on the database and improving query performance.
  • Debezium can be used to create a data pipeline that captures changes in a database and streams them to other systems, such as search indexes.
  • Caches can be used to reduce the need for complex joins and improve query performance.
  • Debezium can be used to create a distributed cache architecture that is scalable and fault-tolerant.
  • Caches can be used to improve application performance by reducing the load on the database and improving query performance.
  • Debezium can be used to create a data pipeline that captures changes in a database and streams them to other systems, such as search indexes.
  • The key challenge is how to keep the cache always fresh and up-to-date with the latest changes from the database.
  • Debezium can be used to create a distributed cache architecture that is scalable and fault-tolerant.
  • Caches can be used to reduce the need for complex joins and improve query performance.
  • Debezium can be used to create a data pipeline that captures changes in a database and streams them to other systems, such as search indexes.
  • The resulting architecture is stateful, where the application state is kept in the cache and updated as changes occur in the database.
  • Debezium can be used to create a distributed cache architecture that is scalable and fault-tolerant.
  • Caches can be used to reduce the need for complex joins and improve query performance.
  • Debezium can be used to create a data pipeline that captures changes in a database and streams them to other systems, such as search indexes.
  • The key takeaways are:
    • Use Debezium to capture changes in a database and stream them to caches for improved application performance.
    • Caches can be used to denormalize data, reducing the need for complex joins and improving query performance.
    • Debezium can be used to create a distributed cache architecture that is scalable and fault-tolerant.
  • Debezium is a project for change data capture and can be used to create a data pipeline that captures changes in a database and streams them to other systems, such as search indexes.