Knocking Down the Nest secushareBOX - p2p & encrypted IoT and beyond...

Discover the SecuShareBOX, a decentralized and encrypted IoT system that enables peer-to-peer interaction and control without centralized authority, featuring a command-line interface and promising results in testing.

Key takeaways
  • The concept of SecuShareBOX is a peer-to-peer and encrypted IoT system that focuses on decentralized authorization and control.
  • It uses a public subscribe system to enable devices to discover and interact with each other without a centralized authority.
  • The system is based on GnuNet, a low-level framework for building peer-to-peer applications, and provides a command-line interface (CLI) for interacting with devices.
  • GnuNet is a general-purpose peer-to-peer framework that is modular, portable, and can be used to build various applications, including IoT systems.
  • The system uses public keys for authentication and authorization, allowing devices to interact with each other without the need for a centralized authority.
  • The CLI, called Boxon, allows users to list, control, and monitor devices on the network.
  • The system is designed to be scalable and can handle large numbers of devices and users.
  • It is also designed to be privacy-preserving, using encryption and distributed hash tables to protect data and ensure confidentiality.
  • The system is still a work in progress and not all features are fully implemented, but it has shown promising results in testing and demonstration.
  • The project is focused on developing a decentralized and autonomous system that allows devices to interact with each other without the need for a centralized authority.
  • The project is also concerned with the social implications of IoT systems and aims to develop a system that is more socially aware and human-centric.
  • The project is part of a larger research group that focuses on scalable social interaction models.
  • The project has received input and feedback from various peer-to-peer research projects, including Secure Scuttlebutt, DAT, and IPFS.