LeadDev Berlin 2022 Lena Reinhard

Here is the meta description: Develop effective strategic leadership skills to drive alignment and success in your team by prioritizing intent, decision-making, resource mobilization, and progress monitoring, and making strategic thinking a daily habit.

Key takeaways
  • Strategic work and leadership are essential for achieving success and aligning teams.
  • Strategic leadership means handling ambiguity and change, taking big problems, and making decisions.
  • Four crucial components of strategy are: intent for the future, decision-making, mobilizing limited resources, and monitoring progress.
  • Strategic work requires time and space to think, act, and prioritize activities.
  • Daily work contributes to longer-term goals, and alignment with company strategy is key.
  • Review and adjust strategy regularly to ensure progress and goals are met.
  • Strategic leadership is not about documents, but about how time is spent.
  • Take 15-minute blocks everyday to think strategically, ask questions, and align with company goals.
  • Review progress and adjust actions quarterly, while maintaining alignment with company strategy.
  • Make strategic leadership a habit by setting boundaries, broadcasting, and asking questions.
  • Align teams with company strategy by reviewing priorities and plans.
  • Help teams connect their work to company goals by setting clear direction and priorities.
  • Create space to think and reflect on strategy daily, weekly, and quarterly.
  • Encourage team members to ask strategic questions and prioritize wisely.
  • Set reminders and calendar events to prioritize strategic thinking and action.
  • Focus on what matters, not just urgent tasks, and prioritize alignment with company strategy.