Live Kubernetes Debugging With the Elastic Stack (DeveloperWeek Global 2020)

"Uncover real-time insights and streamline Kubernetes debugging with the Elastic Stack, a solution that empowers you to monitor, analyze, and optimize your complex Kubernetes environment."

Key takeaways
  • Elasticsearch is a way to store and process massive amounts of data for real-time search and analytics.
  • Metricbeat is a tool that aggregates metrics and sends them to Elasticsearch for analysis.
  • APM (Application Performance Monitoring) is used to examine individual transactions and performance.
  • Kubernetes is a complex system that can be difficult to monitor and debug.
  • ElasticStack (ELK) is a technology stack including Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana for handling vast amounts of data.
  • Beats are lightweight shippers that collect data and send it to Elasticsearch.
  • FileBeat and MetricBeat are examples of beats used to collect logs and metrics respectively.
  • APM can help in debugging performance issues by analyzing specific transactions.
  • Labels and namespaces are used to group and filter data in the Elastic stack.
  • Kibana is a graphical user interface to explore and analyze the data stored in Elasticsearch.
  • It’s difficult to identify performance issues in a Kubernetes environment without proper monitoring and tools.
  • The Elastic stack can provide real-time insights and help in debugging issues.