Meiirbek Islamov - Rapid prediction of Thermal Transport in Metal-Organic Frameworks | SciPy 2023

Learn how machine learning and molecular dynamics simulations can enable rapid prediction of thermal transport in metal-organic frameworks, potentially revolutionizing gas adsorption applications.

Key takeaways
  • Rapid prediction of thermal transport in metal-organic frameworks is important due to their potential in gas adsorption applications
  • 90,000 synthesized MOFs and 500,000 predicted MOFs exist, but only a small fraction have experimentally measured thermal conductivities
  • Machine learning and molecular dynamics simulations can be used to predict thermal conductivities
  • Graph neural networks are a good choice for training models due to their ability to learn complex relationships between structure and property
  • The topology of MOFs is important for heat transport and can be used to predict thermal conductivities
  • Defects in MOFs can also improve thermal conductivities, especially correlated defects
  • Thermal conductivity is reduced in certain directions due to perpendicular interactions
  • Larger pore sizes can lead to higher thermal conductivities
  • MoF design space is huge, covering 97% of all terminal connected data
  • Hypothetical MOFs can be created and studied to learn more about thermal conductivities
  • Model prediction is important in identifying direction-dependent thermal conductivity
  • The thermal conductivity of a MOF is influenced by its topology, structural, and compositional properties.