Michael Liendo - Your SaaS forecast: Cloudy with a chance of GraphQL

Learn how to build a scalable and cost-effective micro SaaS application using AWS and GraphQL, covering topics like authentication, authorization, and third-party integrations.

Key takeaways
  • Cloudy with a chance of GraphQL: the talk is about building a micro SaaS application using AWS and GraphQL.
  • Micro SaaS: a small-scale SaaS application, suitable for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • AWS services: the talk focuses on using various AWS services, such as AppSync, Amplify, Cognito, and Lambda.
  • GraphQL: a query language for APIs, used to build scalable and flexible APIs.
  • Stripe integration: the talk discusses integrating Stripe with AWS for payment processing.
  • Authentication and authorization: the talk covers the importance of authentication and authorization, using services like Cognito and AppSync.
  • Database management: the talk highlights the benefits of using a serverless database management system, like DynamoDB.
  • Serverless computing: the talk emphasizes the advantages of serverless computing, including scalability and cost-saving.
  • Third-party integrations: the talk demonstrates integrating third-party services, like Cloudinary and Cloudinary’s webhook integrations.
  • Business logic: the talk discusses how to write business logic using serverless computing and AWS Lambda.
  • Scripting tools: the talk introduces the use of scripting tools, like AWS CDK, to manage AWS resources and services.
  • Security: the talk touches on security concerns, such as data encryption and access control.
  • Pricing models: the talk discusses the importance of simple pricing models for SaaS applications, like subscriptions.
  • Focus on core services: the talk emphasizes the importance of focusing on core services and building around them, rather than trying to create a full-fledged platform.