Moving pg_basebackup Forward - Robert Haas - PGCon 2022

Discover the latest advancements in pg_basebackup, including incremental backup, server-side compression, and parallel compression, making PostgreSQL backups more efficient and easier to use.

Key takeaways
  • pg_basebackup improvements:
    • Supports incremental backup
    • Supports server-side compression
    • Supports multiple compression methods (GZIP, LZ4, ZSTD)
    • Incremental backup reduces the size of the backup and data transmission time
  • The new syntax is simpler and easier to understand
  • Commands have more options, such as -j for specifying the number of workers and -l for specifying the compression level
  • The software has gained more features, including support for parallel compression and server-side processing
  • ASync I/O can improve performance
  • Incremental backup can be used to reduce the time it takes to take a backup
  • The software can be extended to support additional backup targets
  • The new features are intended to make PostgreSQL backups more efficient and easier to use.