Nayana Shetty at StaffPlus London 2023

"Learn to prioritize initiatives, develop relationships and trust, and focus on long-term vision and impact in this keynote address from Principal Engineer Nayana Shetty at StaffPlus London 2023."

Key takeaways
  • As a principal engineer, prioritize big rocks and delegate smaller initiatives.
  • Delegating smaller initiatives tests your technical skills and builds trust.
  • Develop empathy for systems, processes, and technology to understand what you’re working on.
  • Nurture your support network and prioritize for impact when it feels right.
  • Rely on your leader and ask for help when struggling.
  • Learn to use the trust you’ve built over time to create a broader impact.
  • When starting a new initiative, consider the long-term vision and how it fits into the organization’s goals.
  • Focus on support, collaboration, coaching, and communication skills to energize others and influence others.
  • Delegation requires understanding the constraints and limitations of others, and being flexible with your own expectations.
  • Trust building is essential for creating impact, as it enables others to trust you and work with you.
  • As initiatives gain traction, prioritize for immediate impact and adjust as needed.
  • Mentorship and leadership are essential for creating a strong sense of direction and purpose within an organization.
  • When faced with difficult decisions, prioritize and adjust based on impact and effectiveness.
  • When delegating, consider the skills and expertise of others and provide guidance and support where needed.
  • When faced with conflicting priorities, prioritize based on impact and negotiate with stakeholders.
  • When working with a team, prioritize clear communication, active listening, and empathy to build trust and create a cohesive working environment.
  • As a leader, prioritize setting a clear direction and vision for the team, and empower them to make decisions and take ownership.
  • When faced with uncertainty or doubt, prioritize seeking support from others, and having an open and honest dialogue about challenges and concerns.
  • As an individual contributor, prioritize building relationships and trust with others, and leveraging your skills and expertise to create a positive impact.
  • When faced with a complex problem or challenge, prioritize breaking it down into smaller, manageable pieces and tackling each piece separately.
  • When working on an initiative, prioritize focusing on the big picture and the long-term vision, and being willing to adapt and adjust as needed.
  • As a principal engineer, prioritize building a strong support network and cultivating relationships with others.
  • When faced with a difficult decision or challenge, prioritize seeking guidance and support from others, and being willing to learn and adapt.