OpenAPI & .NET: You're Doing It Wrong - Mark Rendle - NDC London 2023

Explore best practices for using OpenAPI to streamline API documentation and code generation. Learn how to create a single source of truth for your API documentation, generate interactive documenation, and more!

Key takeaways
  • Don’t maintain separate documents for API documentation and code; instead, keep them in the same repository and use OpenAPI to generate documentation.
  • Write a human-focused description of your API, not just rely on machine-generated descriptions.
  • Create a single source of truth for your API documentation using OpenAPI.
  • Make OpenAPI a part of your codebase by including it in your repository.
  • Add YAML comments to describe API endpoints, security, and other details.
  • Use OpenAPI to generate documentation and client code in various languages.
  • Don’t underestimate the importance of keeping your OpenAPI file up-to-date and accurate.
  • Avoid duplicating effort by using OpenAPI to generate documentation and client code.
  • Use a tool like Swagger UI to generate interactive documentation for your API.
  • Don’t rely on ad-hoc Mardown files or Word documents for API documentation; use OpenAPI instead.
  • Keep your OpenAPI file in a version control system and maintain a history of changes.
  • Use tools like redoc to generate HTML documentation for your API.
  • Don’t bother with outdated and unmaintained OpenAPI versions; use the latest version, which is OpenAPI 3.0.
  • Write complex responses using YAML and OpenAPI.
  • Don’t hesitate to say “I don’t know” or “I’m not sure” if you’re unsure about something in your API.