OpenTelemetry tracing for .NET developers - Vagif Abilov - NDC London 2023

Discover how.NET developers can leverage OpenTelemetry to simplify performance monitoring, tracing, and logging in their applications, covering automatic instrumentation, customization, and integration with popular backends.

Key takeaways
  • OpenTelemetry is a standard for application performance monitoring, tracing, and logging.
  • It’s a vendor-agnostic, open-source project that provides a single way to instrument applications. *.NET developers can use OpenTelemetry to collect telemetry data without changing their code.
  • OpenTelemetry has automatic instrumentation for HTTP, SQL, and other protocols.
  • It provides a single source of truth for telemetry data, making it easier to analyze and troubleshoot issues.
  • OpenTelemetry supports distributed tracing, allowing developers to track transactions across multiple services.
  • It’s possible to use OpenTelemetry with popular backends like Elastic, Application Insights, and Honeycomb.
  • OpenTelemetry provides a flexible way to customize and extend telemetry data collection.
  • Automatic segment creation can be used to generate segments for distributed transactions.
  • The speaker’s organization uses OpenTelemetry for logging, tracing, and metrics.
  • OpenTelemetry is not just for.NET, it’s a platform-agnostic and language-agnostic solution.
  • The speaker recommends starting with a small console application to bootstrap OpenTelemetry.
  • OpenTelemetry has a wide range of instrumentation options, including support for Akka.NET and RabbitMQ.
  • The speaker’s organization is working with the Akka team to improve Phobos library support for OpenTelemetry.
  • OpenTelemetry provides a simple way to add telemetry data to applications, without requiring significant changes to code.