OsmoDevCall - Calypso chipset history and development boards

Explore the fascinating history and development of the Calypso chipset, from its origins in the early 2000s to its impact on GSM phone technology, internet of things devices, and beyond.

Key takeaways
  • The Calypso chipset history dates back to the early 2000s, with various revisions and variants developed over time.
  • The original Leonardo board was created by TI, and its design was not fully understood until recently.
  • The article details the various revisions of the Chip, with examples of different models and their functions.
  • The author examines the evolution of GSM phone technology, highlighting how changes in the Calypso chipset affected the functionality of GSM phones.
  • He also discusses the legacy of TI’s involvement in phone development and the expanded capabilities of Huawei’s GTM900 board.
  • The author discusses the IoT R800, a device that provides a deeper understanding of GSM phone functions.
  • The ROM read protection mechanism of the Top layer was in place and could be read by disassembling the Chip.
  • Different DPS variants and their functions are described, including those with varying entry phases and the number of DHCPs.
  • The article describes how Calypso phones were able to support GPRS and Amr.
  • The functions of the device include its LCD display, keypad, and network processing, among other features.
  • The end result is a reflection on the highly complex chip and the author’s own journey in studying it.